Listened to the stream yesterday whilst running my milling machine. I wanted to point out that human evolution doesn't necessarily have to be linear. It can manifest dendritically and take a multiplicity of forms simultaneously. If humans ever become star-faring, evolution will bifurcate the hominid morphology as those who choose to live on artificial space habitats will evolve radically different from those who choose to live on planets.

@Engineer right, and then what does being human mean? Who is the "true heir" of humanity once humans are spacefaring?

@Tfmonkey It won't matter. The literal Ubermensch will be living in space and beyond. In a sense, being "human" could be as diverse as "bird." A bird is still a bird, they just take many different forms. Who amongst the birds is the true hair of the Avian legacy? All of them.

@Engineer hence why I foresee wars breaking out against "the mutants" and the "pure humans" at some point.

Basically science fiction race war.

@Tfmonkey Ehh, maybe. Kind of hard to have a war when the "enemy" distance is measured in light years, and the unfathomable vastness of space just allows one faction to go "we are leaving" and go away. Its hard to follow someone to the stars. Which of the billions of stars, if any, did they go to? Remember, an artificial deep space habitat doesn't even require a planet. Finding a ship in deep space is basically impossible, and why would anyone even care to? Space faring = post resource scarcity.

@Engineer It will be a religious crusade. It's fine, it's human nature. Dominance and will to power and such.

@Tfmonkey I could definitely see that. A religious crusade to find something a trillion times more hidden than a singular speck of neon sand in the Pacific ocean.

@Engineer people need an enemy to overcome. I guess it keeps things interesting.

Even if the "mutants" flee, the "humans" will search for them everywhere they go.

If we can't find an enemy, we'll invent one. It doesn't matter. Love requires hate. Non-duality and all that.

@Tfmonkey The irony is that in the highly unlikely event the crusaders found the "mutants" they themselves will have been in space for millions of generations and will themselves be "mutants." Can a religious crusade last a million generations? What greater thing to overcame than the meaningless of life in the face of post-resource scarcity? To forge meaning in an inherently meaningless existence, by ones own will and volition. Those who can't will succumb to hedonism and destroy themselves.

@Engineer no, eventually the different strands of humanity will evolve and become "aliens" and people were forget that they started out at the same species.

I guess science fiction predicted this with all the "aliens" in Star Trek that are just people with body paint and weird facial prosthetics.

It's be like how religion spreads, develops differences over time, all believe they're the "true" religion, and go to war against each other.

@Tfmonkey Actually, now that I think about it, it seems improbable that these extant species would all "forget" that they have a common ancestor because such could easily be proven via simple genetic testing and genome analysis.

@Engineer They won't forget, and they'll all have common "creation myths" similar to how religions do.

They'll all believe they're the "true humans" and go to war against each other.

It's just human nature.

@Tfmonkey That doesn't make sense to me. We admire strange and exotic creatures like the octopi because they are different. We admire nature and life in general for the same reason. The only reason war exists is because of scarce resource. The reasons we pushed bears/wolves out is because we wanted to occupy the same space, and they were a threat. In space, volume is effectively infinite thus there are no resources to fight over, and thus nobody is an unwilling threat to each other.

@Engineer That's fine if you believe that since it can't be proven or disproven at this time, but all life seeks to increase power and dominate other life. Infinite resources don't change this. Power is it's own resource, and power is zero-sum.

@Tfmonkey Power is measured in watts, and if everyone has infinite watts then everyone has infinite power. Trying to needlessly control others will become a self destructive end. Lifeforms that seek to needlessly dominate will mathematically inevitably encounter a force that succeeds in defending itself, and be eradicated. This is the great filter. Also, not all life seeks to dominate other life. Symbiotic lifeforms, for example, work via co-operation and trade.


@Engineer Perhaps humans will evolve into a symbiotic lifeform that works in harmony with its environment and other life forms someday, but by that point, it wouldn't even be recognizable as human.

In the meantime, war never changes.

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@Tfmonkey Correct. The only way to "solve" the human condition is to ascend beyond humanity itself. The Ubermensch.

@Engineer An Übermensch isn't necessarily a symbiotic being in harmony with everything and transcending its will to power. It's someone who pursues their own values rather than just conforming to external values.

@Tfmonkey I've always used that word with a vastly different interpretation, so apologies in advance for neglecting to define my terms.

My uiltimate point is that as far as I can tell, even the puritanical "alt right" simply wants _their_ space for themselves, not _all_ of the resources in the universe. But perhaps my interpretation is wrong.

We of course have the mouse utopia experiment to look at. Once a civilization is space faring, they effectively have created Universe 25 for themselves.

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