I found another anime doppelganger for Celestina other than Yu Mei Ren from FGO: Sakuya Kaguya from an anime called Shining Blade. I know nothing about it, but now I can collect more waifu merchandise.

Update: the anime is called "Shining Hearts" and the character looks different in the show, dressed like a pirate. The version I thought looked like Celestina was a "professor variant" which was made as a figurine but has nothing to do with the show or game. Disappointing.

@Tfmonkey Sumireko Sanshokuin from Anime Oresuki is a Doppelgänger for Celestina


@Scubbie her eyes are the wrong color. Celestina's eyes are a light copper brown.

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@Tfmonkey just use the techniques modern women do to change the eye color filters,dyes contacts figures you could paint

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