Interesting after watching undead chronic I found out there is movement called

No Pussy No Work No Pussy No Taxes No Pussy No Vaccine No Pussy No Peace.

This protest is similar to a general strike. Dropping out of the workforce and taxforce is a very effective and peaceful form of protest. Society needs working young men and their taxes. Without them sooner or later everything men built in this civilization will deteriorate.

NPNW associated w MGTOW?

Officially no but there are a few similarities between the MGTOW philosophy and the NPNW philosophy so some men might support both movements at the same time. We officially do not support MGTOW because the fundamental core values of NPNW are no work and no taxes while MGTOW promotes being economically active members of society while not giving any money and resources to women. We also do not agree with the ''G'' in MGTOW. Clearly an ''S'' should have been in its place.


@Stahesh it's fine if you want to drop out of society and game the Welfare system, but the money is going to run out in the near future and you'll die, but that's okay.

@Tfmonkey @Stahesh you're just betting on which will die first, you or the system
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