
TIL that AI is really good at rendering bikini pics, and really REALLY bad at rendering realistic chimpanzees.

Good bikini pics.

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@Tfmonkey As a connoisseur coomer subscribed to hundreds of artists in pixiv, I declare this specific one to be an amazing piece of art.

As long as you don't look at her right hand and realize it's left-handed.

@Mike_Microwave @Tfmonkey The everythingfag probing to see if I'm an ally to his degeneracy.

I'm not partial to hands, but if a cthulhian skin walker takes the shape of a human I'd appreciate it if they put the pieces together properly.

@Tfmonkey Ai is getting awesome, the potential for customize real waifus dolls using AI will be a game changer. Maybe the Chinese are working on that already.

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