@Tfmonkey you're supposed to touch them up. It's kind of like how you should edit ChatGPT output


Chimpfucius say: Touch not unripe banana. FBI always watching.

@Tfmonkey Winner winner chicken dinner, although it ignored the glasses request.


A beautiful white hapa woman with long brunette hair wearing glasses lovingly holding a chimpanzee looking into his eyes inside a bar, photorealistic, 8k, cinematic

@franco @Tfmonkey SDXL from Clipdrop at that time I made these, but I now have a local install w/Automatic1111 front end.

@CygnusX1 @Tfmonkey Nice!. Still deciding between install Automatic 1111 or MNKD SD 1.5. Comfy UI and SDXL looks exhausting and complex.

@franco @Tfmonkey

Have you tried Fooocus yet? Super easy and lots of great options. ComfyUI is what I have been avoiding.

Foocus is great!👍, very straightforward. Still learning A1111. Understanding all the parameters and Control Net takes time. Not installed Comfy yet, looks too complicated for doing the same thing that A1111.

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