
Charlemagne is having a falling down with Moldbug.

Recently, Moldbug's writings imply that the Right shouldn't do anything at all, which Charlemagne interprets as "Let the Left win."

Now Charlemagne sees Moldbug as counterproductive to the Right, and possibly, "controlled opposition."

YouTube | Grindset Stream Episode #32: Escaping the Moldbug Matrix 32


@dander @kaiservenom @Tfmonkey

He's part of the NRX movement (Neo Reactionary Right). Runs in the same circles as Academic Agent.

Not sure what Moldbug aka Curtis Yarvin considers him self these days.


@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @dander @kaiservenom what can the right openly do with glowies everywhere and the average conservative still in denial?

@Tfmonkey @dander @kaiservenom

Consolidate into a local community, stock up on food, water, guns, ammo, meds, & precious metals. There is nothing to be done, it will all collapse under its own weight leaving those who prepared ready for what comes next and those who did not on impalement spikes.

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