I can not tell if people in Merovingian Club are voting in the results to bias the polls in other instances like POAST to be reflective of Merovingian Club and not the other instances like POAST

Supposedly it is possible to vote remotely and I have not tried that because I do not want to bias the poll results but want an accurate poll of what people on POAST think

@shortstories I think voting remotely is broken as is liking remotely. we've got open issues for liking already
that is to say, you can still vote if you are logged in on any instance. it just doesn't work if you try to vote logged out


So that could bias the results if people on Merovingian club are just voting on poast remotely. Thank you for letting me know.

There is no way to know how many people voted from whatever instance relative to another instance?

Does it track who voted for what or is it anonymous?

@shortstories your instance admin can query the database to see how users voted but it's unlikely anybody will do that for you for some random poll, myself included

@graf @Tfmonkey

I think the admin would be very interested in the results. If he has time to do it.

But I do not think he will have time. Especially if it is really complicated to learn how to do.

Thank you for letting me know that


@shortstories I have no idea. Just respond to polls using your poa.st account where people know how to do this sort of thing.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.