Watching the Cathedral brutally crack down on Leftist pro-Palestinian protests, and even create a "no-hire list" for college Marxists who spoke out against Israel, when combined with the full throated support the Cathedral is throwing behind Israel, even threatening pre-emptive strikes against Iran and causing WW3, leaves me to conclude that it is, in fact, the Jews.

I can arrive at no other conclusion given the facts and behaviors that I'm seeing. No other hypothesis makes sense.

I was wrong.


@ImperialAgent The Progressive Infrastructure throughout the West. It's a term created by Mencius Moldbug. It's a well known term among the Reactionary Right.

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Didn't Darren Beattie coin that one? Also jewish.
@Tfmonkey @ImperialAgent
If you mean progressives, just say progressives. Don't be a gay faggot like the gay faggots on the far left that hide behind sophistry and opaque language.

@scarlet @ImperialAgent It's not just people who believe in progressivism, it's the INFRASTRUCTURE: the governments and non-government agencies, the foundations and "think tanks", the international bodies like the World Economic Forum, etc.

@Tfmonkey @ImperialAgent
People already imply and infer all that under the label progressive. It's redundant.

@scarlet @ImperialAgent that may be true for you and perhaps the circles you run in, but most people have difference words for the ideology and the organizational infrastructure associated with that ideology.

It's like the difference between believing in Feminism versus being a member of the National Organization for Women, or other politically organized Feminist groups.

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