@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic

@dander @VooDooMedic it's legit. They only sent 3 missiles and some drones, which were all shot down. They need to launch a lot more to take out a battleship.


@Tfmonkey @dander probably probing their reaction time, what's the time needed to stay "at ready" after an attack? They could be wanted to keep them in a constant loop of attack nothing waiting "at ready" wait 2 hours and then probe again, depriving them of sleep and the ability to rest, especially because they have no way of rotating their people in for fresh


@VooDooMedic @dander The Yemeni Houthis don't have the military-grade equipment to take down a battleship. They need the "good shit" form Russia.

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@Tfmonkey @dander I understand that but the rest of the question is still valid please answer that

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