Maybe your son is just retarded, or you were lazy to teach him to fucking read.


@mrhorsetwat you cun tell my baby iz dum, you cun fale hum. I gonna ryut and burn dis muthrfucka down!

Aww, shit ur kids iz retarded. The skool faled dem. We gonna ryut and burn dis mutherfucka down!

@Tfmonkey It's quite a site to behold. A black father, an almost extinct species in America, but thriving in Africa.

@mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey Isn't there a story where American nigs moved to Africa and start to behave like they were in America and they pissed off some warlord and he killed them all ?

@Avdol10 @mrhorsetwat No, it was the opposite. A bunch of freed slaves went to an American colony in Africa, and they proceeded to enslave the native Africans.

That colony is the country of Liberia (the land of liberty). The irony is delicious.

@Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat I didn't mean Liberia, I knew about that shithole before from AA videos about that shithole.

I heard story of some black panther nigs moving there, and they start demanding free shit and high positions since these American nigs can read and do mid grade math, and they end up pissing off a warlord and he killed them all.

I don't remember where I heard it cuz it wasn't reported in the news but I think they moved to Ghana
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