@Tfmonkey if you haven't listened to this conversation from Deus Ex (a.k.a., best game ever) where the protag talks to a prototype AI, you should give it a chance. The game was released in 2000.


@ButtWorldsMan if you free most people, and they cannot find a replacement slavemaster, they will create one for themselves.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan If they work for the common good, they are just called leaders.

@white_male @ButtWorldsMan there is no such thing as "the common good" or "the will of the people". There are only groups of people with their own self interest, some of which have more power and influence than others.

The state is a mechanism for the powerful to take from the less powerful. This can be a oligarchy of the rich preying on the poor, or a democracy of the poor preying on the rich.

Being in the 99% within a dictatorship is no better than being in the 49% within a democracy.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan That's the point actually, 1% -> 51% is good enough for common good. Even if it's only minority 45% taking power but still act in the interest of 45%, that's pretty fucking good still.

@white_male @ButtWorldsMan no, it's not "good enough for the common good" just because it benefits 51% of people. This is why democracies fail. The 51% learn they can prey on the 49% and it ends in war and collapse.

Also, although I don't know your politics, based on your name you're probably pro white people, but according to polls, white nationalists are a minority, thus the "will of the people" has triumphed, and you lose.

See how this works?

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan I'm still holding out hope for self correction mechanisms, kicked in couple of times, should kick in soon. Plus, there's better and worse examples. GAE is currently fucked, can become unfucked.

@white_male @ButtWorldsMan nobody's self interest is morally superior to anyone else's self interest, and everything ultimately boils down to power.

When we can't sit down and talk and decide who's right, we kill each other to decide who's left.

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