
We should speak, sir...

Mr. Trump’s Vice President ❤️ linktr.ee/nathanhatch

@nathanhatchservices I appreciate the spunk, but have you ever even met Donald Trump?


You'll find out...

With that said, I would like you to call or text. I have to give you credit. Email sent to the illustrious Aeroshogun entitled "Nathan Hatch, Vice President..."


@nathanhatchservices no offense, but the fact that you want to come on my show is the biggest counterargument that you have a future in politics.

· · Web · 2 · 0 · 0


I do not want to come on your show. I want you to text me.

Therefore, it is the biggest argument that I have a future in politics.

Scammers here already? And a lame one at that. Obviously don't read just any random QR code online, it could take your data or worse.

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