@37712 @Tfmonkey

Yes, but he wasn't lying to his people. :hitler_grin:

@LivingSpaceStudios @Svantovit @Tfmonkey actuallt he was, no guns for the ppl allowed l, cant own gold, home schooling is illegal, you guys really need to catch up, there is a reason why TFM does not want to live in a nazy country and neither would any of you. You dont know what you are asking for. No freedom of speech, no safety from searches and seizures etc.

@37712 @Svantovit @Tfmonkey Guns were confiscated from Jews and other non Germans.
Gold was confiscated from Jews and other non Germans.

Turd Flinging Monkey doesn't want to live under National Socialist government because he is (if memory serves) a literal homosexual and in a functional society (like Nazi Germany) he would (and should) be institutionalised.

@LivingSpaceStudios @Svantovit @37712 It was actually the Weimar Republic that banned guns (pre-Hitler). The Nazis actually replaced the total ban with a registration system, which was only selectively enforced against Jews.

Nazi Germany is a bad example because it didn't exist long enough to see how it treats its citizens in peacetime. A better example of contemporary (state capitalism) in modern China.

Efficient? Yes. Functional? You bet. Do you want to live there? No you don't.

PS: not gay

@Tfmonkey @Svantovit @37712 I'd rather live in a functional society than a dysfunctional, neo-liberal utopia full of deranged, penis mutilating weirdos.

PS: I may have you confused with one of the other primate themed Youtubers.

@LivingSpaceStudios @Svantovit @37712 Ironically, the purpose of the neo-liberal agenda is to create so much chaos that the people allow the government to take total power to restore order, at which point the ruling class will eliminate the "deranged penis-mutilating weirdos" once they've served their purpose.

The only functional difference between Communism and Fascism is which group wears the jackboots and which groups goes to the camps.

It's not a good system unless your "side" has power.

@Tfmonkey @Svantovit @37712 Cool, I want my side (race) to have power and I want Jews to go to prison camps for their many crimes against humanity.

@LivingSpaceStudios @Svantovit @37712 Great, but once they're gone, your "side" will split. Without race to unite everyone, they'll split along class lines, political lines, different ethnicities (which are all white), etc.

Once you find yourself in the "side" that doesn't have power, total government won't seem so great.

But, at least you won't have to worry about black people and Jews anymore, so there's that.

@Tfmonkey @Svantovit @37712 There are no systems which are not subject to entropy and dissolution.
Also, I already am on the side that doesn't have power.

@LivingSpaceStudios @Svantovit @37712 So are we all, but I'd rather fight for my freedom than simply exchange one slave master for another.

This is all mental masturbation at this point. It doesn't look like anyone is going to do anything. All the Republicans suck Jew cock, and the Middle East is letting Israel genocide the Arabs in Gaza in exchange for a free railroad.

For what it's worth, if the Civil War happens, I'll fight by your side, and we can hammer out our differences afterwards.

@Tfmonkey @Svantovit @37712 Freedom is an illusion. As long as man exists there will be men whose lives are born and lost in the service and servitude of others. Sacrifice is inevitable and whatever rights a man has are dependent on the whims of others.

@LivingSpaceStudios @Svantovit @37712 Rights are an illusion, but freedom is the way of nature. There are two paths of freedom, one is the path of Alexander the Great, and the other is the path of Diogenes.

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@Tfmonkey @Svantovit @37712 Both were slaves to their destiny and the whims of the men of that time.
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