
I heard that these chat bot companies are selling the data of its users. On the surface you could say who care but are you worried the big brother is watching and creating a phycological profile of you?

Over time they will use AI to try and predict your movements much like Minority Report.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu Amazon collects more relevant data on me (i.e. my purchase history) than an AI chatbot would be able to.

What is the government going to do with knowledge of what a cuddle-slut I am?


You could say things in passing that over time AI can compile to create a phycological profile to better manipulate you should they so choose.

There's also the possibility in the near future due to this information they could come after you because the AI said you might do something the government doesn't like.

There isn't anything on amazon you could buy that would matter in this case.

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