They got rid of the men's room. The men's room has been turned into a "family bathroom" while the women's room has become a "mother's room".

So now both bathrooms are women's rooms essentially, but women have their own "safe space" bonus bathroom, since trannies can't have babies.

@Tfmonkey This will drastically increase the wait times for men that need to go pee. This was one of the very few advantages men could take consolation in, there was almost never a line for the mens room. Womens rooms lines are always atrociously long. As for me, I'm going to wear a rubber hose on my penis snaking down my pant leg and let the pee puddle on the floor. I refuse to wait for women taking their sweet time in the bathroom. They will step into a pee puddle when they leave the latrine.


@Engineer I was in a men's room once where all the urinals were being used and there were lines for everything, so I just peed into the drain in the middle of the floor and washed my hands.

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@Tfmonkey WTF. California must have a bunch of effeminate men if they are taking too long in the latrine.

Regardless, I'm listening to your show now. I got the solution to the philosopher king dying.

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