If you're doing keto, here are my top recommended snacks. Fit Crunch tastes like a candy bar. The Genius Gourmet bars taste like dehydrated ice cream, and the Keto ice cream bars are better than the "Carb Smart" bars that I've tried from other stores.

I found all of these at Costco. I've tried other brands, but these are the one I like the best.

@Tfmonkey its been almost 4 months since we last talked about it but im really wondering how the ozempic is working. everything going well?

@PapaPole I only took it for a month and dropped it. It doesn't work for me. My problem isn't lack of willpower, but my metabolism.

I was hoping that the drug making me feel full would mean I could cut calrories without losing energy, but it didn't work.

All Ozempic does is make you feel full, and only works with those with no willpower who can't stop eating.

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@Tfmonkey @PapaPole Best thing to lose fat is fasting for day.

At least for me.

During fasting day I almost feel no hunger and day after when I wake up I can see that I lost some fat.

@Stahesh @PapaPole I tried fasting. I would lose a few pounds, but then my energy levels would crash, and I would need to reset my metabolism and it would cause me to regain whatever few pounds I lost.

Keto is the only thing that's ever worked for me because I can eat when I need to eat.

@Tfmonkey @PapaPole last thing I could recommend is carnivore. Where you can eat how much you want and your energy will be same.

Many people say it and worked for me.

Main problem for me on carnivore is that it is so easy on stomach so I don't feel fullness / bloated like on normal diet. After few days I crave carbs. Because I could not get rid of carbs yet.

Maybe I will slowly decrease carbs doses or try sugar substitute to get rid of carb cravings.

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