They know they're the problem, and they're hoping you don't realize it as society collapses. . .

. . . then they'll blame you for not doing enough to stop it.

Its not education itself.
But male education for women.
Women need girl education.
Where they learn slice of life anime behavior.

@special-boy sure, that's why things like elementary school, middle school, and high school used to mean something.

Elementary school was for basic shit so you could function in society.

Most people didn't go to school if they worked in blue-collar industries. They got jobs right out of Middle School.

College was only for doctors and lawyers.

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@Tfmonkey @special-boy
> Collge was only for doctors and lawyers
This. American magnates like Rockefeller, Carnegie, Jp Morgan and Vanderbilt never attended College. They learned on the job

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