@Tfmonkey So the assassination attempt on Trump was real because they shot his ear instead of his arm or shoulder? C'mon man, have you seen any magic trick, ever?
Was his ear visibly damaged?

Or could they have simply told the shooter to aim at the crowd and when he hears the shots, Trump touches his ear, takes cover and his security places some fake blood on him? I mean, it's that simple to stage, you don't need that much imagination.

@Tfmonkey Trump isn't Putin, if they call for his arrest, Trump will go peacefully, as we've seen. Why didn't they get him while he was alone instead of choosing such a high profile method that will only make everyone think they're trying to kill him?? And WHY would they even try to assassinate Israel's golden boy in the first place? Isn't it way more logical to assume, at least until we have some evidence of the opposite, that this is just another strategy to further turn Trump into a martyr?

@Tfmonkey When we don't have all the facts, we use logic, don't we?
And the odds of Trump miraculously dodging that bullet, while every shill on the right was hyping up the idea of an assassination attempt, when the "Cathedral" had so many ways to end his life without making it obvious, are ridiculously small. Now what if, for instance, the plan is to turn Trump into a hero so everyone (including the Left) accepts fighting WW3 when he drafts them? Ridiculous? Maybe, but still far more probable.

@Based_Accelerationist there have been assassination attempts on many leaders by Leftists recently. There was even a plot in Hungary that was uncovered and foiled.

This is literally how the Cathedral has been working for years. Perhaps they wanted to kill Trump in prison Epstein-style, but Trump's not going to prison anymore, so this was plan B.

Believing that this is a right-wing false flag and Trump was shot on purpose makes no sense and doesn't fit the facts.

Believe what you want though.

@Tfmonkey Alright, let's go with that theory. Then surely you'll agree that the "Cathedral" will try this again. Not only do they have nothing left to lose, now that they've carelessly shown their hand, but they've also aided Trump in the polls by letting him dodge a bullet and become a martyr.

So, if you're right, we will witness more desperate attempts at his life.
But, if nothing happens and he becomes president, then you'll know something's off. They have countless ways to kill people.

@Based_Accelerationist and if Orban isn't assassinated, the plot to kill him was a psyop as well right?

You're stupid.

@Tfmonkey Orban is in Hungary, Trump is in their backyard, surrounded by the "Cathedral", they'll have plenty of chances. There's no excuse for them to keep failing, unless we're in some Looney Tunes episode.

As you know, I don't subscribe to the theory that the people in charge are retarded. Boomers may not know how to open a PDF, but the real elites got to where they are because they know how to crush the opposition.

Perhaps people, outside of California, aren't as stupid as you think.


@Based_Accelerationist I'm done talking to you about this. Your thesis is that if Trump isn't dead, then an attempts on his life are staged. Only his death will "prove" anything to you.

You're stupid. Politicians face assassination all the time, and they're not secretly behind it to try and look good, even if they survive.

Without being able to hold Trump in prison, a "random" assassin in their best bet.

I'm now done talking to you about this.

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