@Tfmonkey TFM: Is it worth hiring one of these companies to improve your credit score? There are claims that they can improve it to the 800s? Also, is it prudent to contribute to a 401k anymore? I understand when you assert the market is completely rigged and not safe; I understand there are money market options with 401k plans?

Thanks in advance. Looking forward to The Morning Constitutional.

@sardonicsmile it might be worth it if you have bad credit, but if your credit is fine, don't worry about it>

Take 2024 off from investing. The markets are too fake and gay at the moment. Maybe after the election things will change.

@Tfmonkey People have told you many times how to go into a patriarchal community in Serbia Russia etc but you don't listen to them. You are really smart but closed minded sometimes because you think you know it all. I make this mistake too this is why I read 52 books a year to open my mind to different opinions.

@Tfmonkey You can buy a house in Serbia, Bulgaria etc for $10,000 or less. In Serbia You get a residency with any purchase. Once you get there you can make connections. Meet people. You can have a vacation house ski house in Bansko etc. Spend 1 month or two here get to know the community then you are end. Instead of getting to civil war going to Alaska with your dick in your hand. Nobody will steal you shit because you know the neighbors.

@Tfmonkey I am doing this. I am in the Balkans and I have been here for 3 years and I started my own business here. I am not talking out of my ass. Eventhough you are an hard headed, I really enjoy your takes on Israel and I would like to save you from the civil war or whatever that happens. You have enough to have a bugout house in the Balkans.

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