I just saw some retard claiming that population collapse isn't real and was gaslighting because according to census projections, white people are "right where they're supposed to be" after decades of below-replacement birth rates.

My Hebrew in Moloch, just because demographers have been WARNING about a population collapse for decades and their estimates are panning out doesn't mean there isn't a problem.

This is like in Dark Knight where "nobody panics as long as things go according to plan.

@Tfmonkey you've often said that taking women's rights away would be the only way to raise fertility rates.

My question is, why doesn't Russia just do that? Russia is a dictatorship and doesn't have to give a damn about women's votes. So why is Russia still basically an egalitarian nation today?

If putin established patriarchy tomorrow, would there be any fallout? I would imagine that the average Russian man doesn't care whether women have rights or not.


@ToyotaTime because it's so far beyond the paie that nobody even considers it.

It's genius. You make the solutions unthinkable, and watch everyone squirm trying to find an ":acceptable solution".

The short answer is Russia isn't a dictatorship, and neither is China.

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@Tfmonkey @ToyotaTime I consider all 182 nations under ((( National Statism))) is a Dictorship

thats what statism is

Goyim control
Goyim enconomy control
Goyim knowledge control
Goyim information control

Real Freedom hasnt been attempted yet

1750 to 2050 - Jewish Dictorship on all " Nations "

Putin is
Half Jewish (Mother)
Half Russian (Father)

Putin is Anti White, Euroasianist, NWO, Multi racialist, Pro Islamifcation

@Tfmonkey @ToyotaTime What about North Korea and Cuba Those are dictatorship and still low birth rapes?

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