
I just saw some retard claiming that population collapse isn't real and was gaslighting because according to census projections, white people are "right where they're supposed to be" after decades of below-replacement birth rates.

My Hebrew in Moloch, just because demographers have been WARNING about a population collapse for decades and their estimates are panning out doesn't mean there isn't a problem.

This is like in Dark Knight where "nobody panics as long as things go according to plan.

Did you tell him you read a study that said that the only safe place to store all money and valuables is in TFM's wallet?


Population estimates are approximations. They are not assumed to have precision accuracy,just like election poles can't predict how many dead people will vote

@Tfmonkey you've often said that taking women's rights away would be the only way to raise fertility rates.

My question is, why doesn't Russia just do that? Russia is a dictatorship and doesn't have to give a damn about women's votes. So why is Russia still basically an egalitarian nation today?

If putin established patriarchy tomorrow, would there be any fallout? I would imagine that the average Russian man doesn't care whether women have rights or not.

@ToyotaTime because it's so far beyond the paie that nobody even considers it.

It's genius. You make the solutions unthinkable, and watch everyone squirm trying to find an ":acceptable solution".

The short answer is Russia isn't a dictatorship, and neither is China.

@Tfmonkey @ToyotaTime I consider all 182 nations under ((( National Statism))) is a Dictorship

thats what statism is

Goyim control
Goyim enconomy control
Goyim knowledge control
Goyim information control

Real Freedom hasnt been attempted yet

1750 to 2050 - Jewish Dictorship on all " Nations "

Putin is
Half Jewish (Mother)
Half Russian (Father)

Putin is Anti White, Euroasianist, NWO, Multi racialist, Pro Islamifcation

@Tfmonkey @ToyotaTime What about North Korea and Cuba Those are dictatorship and still low birth rapes?

@ToyotaTime The real question is, WHY do we want to raise the fertility rate? Aren't there enough people in this world already? Oh I know it's never enough for our debt-based monetary system and non-stop technological progress, but maybe, just maybe, those things should end. Maybe the solution isn't more people, more NPCs and more collectivism.

Russia and China won't do that, because AI/robotics will help replace people, plus those countries are part of the new world order agenda.


Yes I can answer that for sure.

The reason why the WHITE fertility rate needs to go up is because if the WHITE birthrate continues on this downward trend, white people will literally go extinct.

I don't care how many people in general are on the planet. The amount of Arabs, Indians, North Africans, Sub-Saharan Africans, Latinos and other races are not important to me.

White people are endangered globally. And I want this trend to reverse as soon as possible.

@ToyotaTime Even with these birthrates, whites are at no risk of going extinct in the foreseeable future.
The reason why it may seem otherwise, is precisely because we compare whites to other races. So what you're really noticing is demographic replacement.

Regardless, you're too focused on the symptom (low birthrates) and not enough on the disease (weak men). Whites are doing this to themselves, because of collective weakness and the only solution is a culling of the weak, not more of them.

@Based_Accelerationist demographic replacement IS what I'm talking about. That IS white extinction.

Yes weak men are the issue, and those weak men are currently in all levels of government.

Which is why the solution is 🪓 the government.

Than women's rights can get the 🪓

Than birthrates restored

@ToyotaTime Then, since it is about comparing whites to other demographics, it would be false to say you "don't care about the amount of Arabs, Indians, etc." as you previously did. Comparing numbers is the only way to make it seem as if whites are "going extinct".

And that replacement is being caused by white people. Who enforces the law? Who fought 2 world wars for their slave masters? Who keeps paying taxes? Blaming the government is to ignore the real issue. Weak men are EVERYWHERE.

@ToyotaTime So no, getting rid of the government isn't going to change anything, they'll just replace them with new puppets and the weak masses will remain weak.
The government taking away women's rights, isn't going to magically make men strong. The government will just enforce the tyranny without masking it as a female issue. And because birthrates will increase, they'll have even more soldiers and more collectivism. The higher the population density, the less freedom each individual has.

If you account for the 600,000 babies murdered in the womb in the US every year then and then four years of toxic injections, coagulants, never agents, genetic disruption agents, then it's pretty easy to account for.

@Tfmonkey Nah TFM You are wrong Haití and Africa can single handle the population issue they can breed like cockroaches and they are more obedient if You give them gift.

@Tfmonkey Population collapse is a joke. For one, the world population keeps increasing. And more importantly, the world is extremely overpopulated.
Even if you only count white people, there's only a demographic issue when compared to other races. No one's going extinct.

Let's be honest, it's not the race that requires so many people, it's these sick debt-based economies that need more and more worker ants to prop up the system.

Population collapse is the way to get out of the dystopia.

@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey The world population is increasing because the Boomers haven’t died en masse yet. Give it 20 years you’ll see.

@Mr_Mister Oh you won't need to wait 20 years. It won't be boomers dying off that change anything, but the controlled collapse of the current world order.
All these people living on top of each other because there isn't enough space for them, rely on artificial and unhealthy systems to produce insane amounts of food that wouldn't be possible otherwise. Once they collapse, you'll see widespread famine. The world isn't made for so many people and here we are worrying about population collapse lol.

Hebrew allegedly has no vowels but only consonants unless vowel marks are added

But some of the consonants like Aleph, Vav ( Waw ) , and Yod kind of tend to act like certain vowels and it is complicated

Ch sound kind of like K in English


Martin Luther King
And deity called Moloch that people worship

All sound similar

There is also MLKM or MLCHM or MLCM in the Bible which is called a king but also a deity

M at end - often means plural


also known as: Molech, Milcom, Milkim, Malcham, Malik

Meaning: king

This is the name of the national god of the Ammonites, to whom children were sacrificed by fire.

He was the consuming and destroying and also at the same time the purifying fire. In Amos 5:26, “your Moloch” of the King James Version is “your king”

So Statists that believe in Kings and other authority figures tend to sacrifice children to the State in an amazing coincidence

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