@freepatriot look up the full quote. They are skipping the first line, and once you know what it is you'll never use this quote again as a libertarian.


There are multiple versions of the quote “First they came for….”

Do your research. It's a speech and there are different versions. Because the priest gave this particular speech many times.

Stupid leftist. Do your research before posting. #jackass



@breaker @freepatriot there is a shorter version and a longer version. the longer version is endorsed by the British Government and the Holocaust Memorial Trust.

The only difference is one teensy weensy line that's omitted from the shorter version.


Please note that saying that there are multiple versions of the quote does not mean the longer version is inauthentic, only that the shorter version is more well known, and I think we both know why that is.

Now fuck off.

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@Tfmonkey @breaker @freepatriot Its all smoke and mirrors and constant demand to pop up the lies, false axioms and continue the mainstream lies

Rather dig deep and get to core issues and fix core problems

Jews are alien parasites from a different realm

They are not native to earth
They are not White
They are not European
They are not "Human"
Hilter was to fucking soft
Their was no 6 million

If goyim don't have the ability to discuss topics without censorship
and the drive for truth and knowledge

Then we are not 'free' 'beings'
we are controlled tax cattle for the International NWO
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