After eating nothing but steak and butter for about 2 weeks, I now get the appeal of "medium rare". I used to never like rare steak, but I've been buying tougher cuts of steak to save money, and cooking them medium rare makes them easier to chew, and I don't have to saw through them with a steak knife.

medium rare is the way.

For tougher cuts, try some good marinades. I like a good London Broil marinade but go with whatever you like.

@midway marinades don't tenderize meat, they infuse the meat with flavor like a sauce without the sauce.

I could tenderize the meat with a meat tenderizer, but it's fine.

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It depends on what you use. Acids in a marinade can tenderize it. Oils are the infusers.

Pounding it can also help.
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