@Tfmonkey It ends when women get force deleted for being a lying cunt on mass

@charliebrownau @Tfmonkey I think this is the only way this will get resolved, at this point. Feminists continue to push for the stripping of our Rights. They want bottom 80% of undesirable men as an underclass. Perhaps, the force deletion should be on simps and white knights, as well.

@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey Its already happening in White Nations

Some (tiny amount) of men are seeing that
female deletion is less consequences and punishment
compared to divorce rape, losing all your resources, losing all your money , home/land/etc

@charliebrownau @Tfmonkey Well, a very small occurrence of men are seeing female deletion as an option. I do not think this phenom will gain traction or momentum. It will get shut down by the usual suspects: politicians, white knights, simps, social campaigns, and females. I fear it will only get worse for men. They won. They won it all. That is why the only think left for men is virtual girlfriends, gaming, and obscure internet forums. They will shut that down, as well.

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