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Noooo! My giant human left arm has been exposed. The world must never know.

I made this on a "free" AI art generator app, but I had to watch a dozen ads just to get this one picture. Was it worth it? Yes.

I thought today was Saturday. Luckily I didn't have any meetings today, but holy shit! I think I need to start taking my lions mane mushroom again. My insomnia is causing me to lose track of what day of the week it is again.

The only reason I realized it was Friday was because I was preparing for my livestream and I was wondering why my alarm didn't go off.

I now have both versions of Yu Mei Ren (my waifu's doppelganger from FGO) at level 100 and NP5.

Update: the anime is called "Shining Hearts" and the character looks different in the show, dressed like a pirate. The version I thought looked like Celestina was a "professor variant" which was made as a figurine but has nothing to do with the show or game. Disappointing.

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