@Bam_Bom just like Jordan Peterson. He went to rehab and something else came out. Tim must now kiss the ass of the Jews with tongue or they'll take his shoes away like they did with Kanye.

@iwetoddid you can't be a politician in the West without sucking Jew cock. Anyone who opposes AIPAC gets primaried and loses their job, even among the Democrats with all their pro-Palestinian activists.

All these stories of white rednecks who can't wait to vote for Harris in "Trump country" are bullshit. It's like these "and everyone clapped" stories. Video or STFU.

Show me all these traditional white Republican voters who are switching their vote from Trump to Harris and tell me why. Is it the inflation? The numerous failed wars? The open borders? The crime? What about that last four years are they excited to see continue?

The only group that comes to mind are "never Trump" RINOs and elites.

I made Grandmaster, but due to solo-queuing and a lot of shit teams, I got pushed back into Master tier. Being a support main sucks at times because I can't carry my team as the healer/tank

BTW, if you want to play the game with me, my link code is: 1939292


Maybe fake WN should spend less time denouncing materialism and less time being a ghost dancing loser.

@rainignterror1080p maybe, but I don't want to try and find out in case I'm not.

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