@npub1v79rprjecf8wrv6zkrlf400klha9mnxrpt4jwkjn0c0hlgrqn77qvfefej @TenaciousGoat demand for gold will increase as demand for dollars decreases thanks to the Regime's weaponization of the dollar under Biden.
The Morning Constitutional: February 12th, 2025
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v6mu1uu-the-morning-constitutional-february-12th-2025.html
MGTOW.TV: https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/the-morning-constitutional-february-12th-2025\_lvz69XGwmWadSdk.html
Bitchute: https://old.bitchute.com/video/dYI3tSD29Kef/
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@TurdFlingingMonkey:1/2025-02-12-08-00-21:4
TFM Website: https://tee.fm/
Morning Constitutional Article Links: https://tee.fm/morning-constitutional-articles/
Stream Links:
Entropy: https://entropystream.live/TFMonkey
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TFMonkey
MGTOW.TV: https://www.mgtow.tv/live?u=TFMonkey
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@TurdFlingingMonkey:1/TFMShowLIVEOdyseeStream:7
DLive: https://dlive.tv/TFMonkey
@Terjesdatter that's actually very common for Western Middle-Eastern proxies to hold Turkish citizenship/passports as it allows the US to launder it's funding of terrorism through Turkey.
@CygnusX1 that's one of the videos of all time.
@Momther words are magic spells in that women repeat them not because they describe reality but because they cause people to do what they want and achieve results
This is why everything is rape. Everything is racist. Everyone is an incel. Everyone is a Nazi.
@Nepiant yes, the AI can't "think", it can only reference it's training. If you ask it about something you could otherwise Google, then it will know the answer because it's been trained on data from Google (among others), but if you want to discuss something new for which there is no answer to Google (and thus no training based on data from Google), the AI will not be able to form an opinion.
@Nepiant It's a limitation of memory. AIs are algorithms of training data. Memories are what give us unique personalities and identities.
Sex Toy Review: BestVibe Lisa 166cm C-Cup Life-size Sex Doll Under $500 (Sponsored)
YouTube (CENSORED): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gqAokx3hAg
MGTOW.TV: https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/sex-toy-review-bestvibe-lisa-166cm-c-cup-life-size-sex-doll-under-500-sponsored\_yAaDCzWP8fl4sdY.html
Bitchute: https://old.bitchute.com/video/lOad6S06masG/
LBRY (Odysee): https://open.lbry.com/@TurdFlingingMonkey:1/Bestvibe-Lisa-166cm-C-Cup-Lifesize-Sex-Doll-Under-500:e
@PoastalJen who else pays taxes?
@TrueMasterCole @SuperSnekFriend it's called "slave morality".
@leespringfield1903 No, the Japanese are actually grateful because we're currently protecting them from China who want revenge against Japan for the "Rape of Nanking" during WW2.
@Hyperhidrosis yeah, it motivated me to perfect my pull-out game. Having to fish your cum out of a doll with a baby wipe is definitely not enjoyable.
@Hyperhidrosis TPE is porous and you have to clean out any water, lube, or "genetic material" after each use and make sure you dry out the cavity with a microfiber rag or "drying rod".
If you begin to get mold some watered down bleach will kill everything.
I also recommend using a mineral oil based lube (rather than a water-based one). The Dollhouse sells some called "Waifu Goo".
Note: The above only applies to TPE toys, not silicone toys.
TFM Website: https://tee.fm/
Amazon Books: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AT.+F.+Monkey