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Stimmy checks !!!

The ECB is tightening policy,
The EU govts are pumping stimmies.


“The package includes a one-off bonus of 200 euros for about 4.2 million households with annual incomes up to 27,000 euros “

What is this guy training for ??? 😲

Whatever it is, I think he is ready.

🔊sound ...🔥

TFM Website:
MGTOW.TV and others can’t consistently handle huge audiences of 1,000+. If one site is lagging or buffering, try the other one and balance out the viewers between the different platforms.

@WashedOutGundamPilot wages are always the last thing to rise with inflation, and the government lying about inflation being "transitory" for over a year didn't help.

As long as business owners think inflation has "peaked" and is about to go down any week now, they'll be slow to raise wages.

Also, now everyone is calling for a recession, so employers aren't going to be looking to expand even with the tight-labor market.

Government lies have consequences.

@sardonicsmile but the Japanese were allies of the Nazis in WW2, so maybe that counts for something.

Serious question:

Why is it that having a sex doll waifu makes me a loser degenerate but all the Nazis gets to have Fumo dolls?

Doesn't seem fair.

@LukeAlmighty @NEETzsche @Darth_Bob I think he also has half a dozen baby's mommas at this point too since he became "the world's richest man".

The implosion will be made into a movie in 10 years.

@NEETzsche @Darth_Bob Elon's businesses rely on the Left. Soyfags drive EVs, and SpaceX is dependent on government contracts, so why he thought buying Twitter and pissing off the Left was a good business decision is something I'll never understand.

@Darth_Bob The market is irrational so there is literally no way to know. It's massively oversold, so follow your heart and dance like no one's watching.

@Darth_Bob Freeport just announced they aren't opening until late January, which will be well after the squeeze unwinds.

@dick If it makes you feel better, I was never unbanned from Twitter in the first place.

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