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ToyotaTime boosted
ToyotaTime boosted
ToyotaTime boosted
One day you may find yourself receiving a rude awakening to the reality that there is, in fact, no divine right for you to "go wherever you want". Possibly delivered in the form of all your shit being seized before your ass is punted back to whatever dump you crawled out of.


@SmidgePierce still, getting your ass kicked by a woman, even a black one is embarrassing. Time to gymmax

ToyotaTime boosted
>Republicans want to ban OnlyFans.
God I wish the version of the GOP that only exists in liberals' heads was real.

@lina @Hoss @Noraweed @sapphire

Trannys R retarded. They're only taken seriously because the government supports them

"Gender is a social construct"

If gender is a social construct, why does "gender affirming care" seem to always consist of removing organs, changing skeletal shape, replacing chemicals in your body, and getting plastic surgery?

If gender is "not real" than how come changing your gender entails changing your REAL body?

Transgenderism is equivalent to modern day lobotomy.

@SmidgePierce it has to be a tranny. Negroid females can't be that grotesque.


White Nationalists be like "no more brother wars"

White Nationalists when you tell them that Balkan Europeans are White too. ☹️


Please stop sucking Japan's tiny cock

They are just as gay and retarded as any western country. They just have clean streets because no brown people.

ToyotaTime boosted
@ainmosni I'd like to point out "homophobia" isn't real. You see that problematic "phobia" part? That means fear. Seeing as how words are very important on the wrong side of the aisle we'd like to make it very clear. There is no phobos, phobia, phobic, or fear. It is visceral disgust. It is a natural and good thing to be disgusted by degenerate faggots.

No amount of jewish propaganda will ever make us accept you, trust you, welcome you into society. You need to be treated as deviants and miscreants. Shoved back into the shadows of your closets as you're a blight on society. Reestablishing the mental institutions is tantamount to recovery in most modern countries.

We are fed up with the degeneracy. We have had enough of your fucking pride parade faggot fetish festival.

We've had enough of pretending to accept you when deep down we are disgusted. We don't want you near our families, our children, our hobbies, or are friends. Faggots are twisted abominations in the circle of life. Your only method of reproduction is molestation & coercion.

Weimar problems require Weimar solutions.

@catmanmancat @lord_nougat @Assnuggets @demonofustio @graf @Kang_Kong3 @yockeypuck @gentoobro its a bit too easy to accidentally fire your weapon if your finger is on the trigger. Especially if your trigger pull is light. Like your walking with it and accidentally trip on a rock, boom accidental discharge.

For this reason, it's best to get into the habit of keeping your finger off the trigger until your actually ready to fire. Doing this for unloaded weapons is just to keep the habit.

@LysanderMooner the way I can tell TFM isn't Jewish is because he grew up in the ghetto.

Have you ever heard of a poor jew living in the projects? Jews are almost always wealthy. Jews don't live where NIggars and beaners live.

Tfm is likley half Hispanic at least, on his mother's side. His father is most likley white because that's where his IQ comes from.

@Nudhul ironically, the least taxed demographic are the actual niggers🎅🏿

ToyotaTime boosted
>find some of Jack the Ripper’s DNA
>turns out he’s a jew from Eastern Europe
>his identity was kept secret to prevent backlash against peaceful jews

I mean it when I say every single time.

Something that coomers don't understand is that sexy tomboys are mostly fiction.

In real life a "tomboy" is just a butch lesbian.

ToyotaTime boosted
ToyotaTime boosted
@RedpillBot If White "Supremecy" existed

Jews wouldn't be in our nation
Jews wouldn't be in power in our nation
We wouldn't have state mandated anti whitism
We wouldn't have Feminism, Diversity and Multi culturalism
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.