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@waltercool the Amish are ethnically white(german), and they have 7 kids per woman.

All white people should do this. The fact that white Nationalists aren't creating Christian autonomous zones like the Amish is proof most white Nationalists are mostly bitches

If you're male, do you remember what it was like being a young teenage boy?

When I was a young teenager, my emotions were turned up to 11. I would cry like a bitch and get angry over small petty things.

Now consider this. Women are basically like this, for their ENTIRE lives.

Women do not develop mentally past the age of 16

And that's a GOOD thing by the way. Because a woman who has the same level of maturity as a man is likley an autistic lesbian. And we don't need any more of those

@mackya yeah, most females, if their smart, grow out of the whole tomboy thing when they grow up.

The ones that don't, become trans or bullDikes

@mackya did they stay tomboys as adults? Or did they just grow into normal women?

@JedDrudge was she really a tomboy or a regular woman with a pixie cut?

Also, a lot of them become trannies later in life

@mackya I don't think so.

The "tomboy", which people see in cartoons and TV shows and anime does not really exist.

In real life, a tomboy is just a butch lesbian.

And thinking logically, it makes sense that butch lesbians just become trannies now that it's acceptable in society.

Women are not meant to be masculine. If a woman is interested in masculine things, she is likley autistic, and/or a carpet muncher

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Why is it that it's always a Japanese person who gets summoned in an isekai? Simple answer: anime is made in Japan. Same reason aliens speak English in Star Trek.

But there is a reason. Imagine a Pakistani got summoned. He'd reject the goddess as a demon, and refuse to protect the world he's summoned into. He'd say their world is being punished by God for not worshiping him, and start teaching Islam.

It would be a similar story with any sincere Jew or Christian. I'd watch it.

All cultures throughout history restricting women's ability to have jobs and money

career women spend their entire fertile 20s working clerical jobs that don't need to exist, and taking college courses that are largely worthless. Than they become 40 year olds with no eggs and but with SKY high expectations because they think their degree makes them a catch

Also, women predominantly get degrees related to nursing, public education, or the arts.

Basically diploma mill garbage.

@cjd women are just straight up retarded.

There is a reason why every successful civilization in human history pre 1920s did not allow women to choose who they married, and did not allow women to chase careers and money.

Because when women are given freedom to choose their partners, they simply chase after the top 20% of wealthy men.

They can't help it, hypergamy is in their DNA.

If you catch a woman off guard, she will freely admit this

@WaifuPoaster88 ai art is nice. A bit jankey if you look too closely, but it's nice.

Ai art that is manually touched up by a human artist is top tier. Best of both worlds

@Inginsub men need to take this approach towards family court ʝudges.

Instead of what they usually do which is suck a shotgun

@dictatordave over 90% of people in my country took at least one jab. If spike proteins can be passed on I'm fucked

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@Captain80s @ForbiddenDreamer

Even the Muslims aren't really doing it yet. The only country to officially take women's rights away is afganistan.

And godspeed to them.

But china's been tweaking about their falling birthrates for a while now. I really hope the Chinese government understands soon that the only foolproof way to get women to have children is to MAKE them have kids.

"Fuck your career, your 20s are foe getting married and getting pregnant"


@ForbiddenDreamer who will take women's rights away first, china or russia?🤔

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