Women subconsciously want their rights taken away. I am absolutely serious.
"when I was younger, my vagina determined who I shared my bed with"
"It has taken me over 10 years to realise there is absolutely no point in torturing yourself for sleeping with the ‘wrong’ person."
Translation: she spent her most fertile years (her 20s) being a whore and wants to settle down now that she has hit the wall and has no eggs left.
But she still accepts no responsibility.
All women are like this.
My $0.02 about what's going on in Syria because people are predicting the fall of Syria and the victory of the Regime.
Russia, Iran, and Turkey are meeting in Doha for a meeting tomorrow. Russia has avoided naming Turkey in order to maintain ties despite Turkey's betrayal. Meanwhile Russia and Iran are moving forces into Syria to counter the ISIS mercenaries.
This is NOT a master stroke by the Regime, but a sign of desperation, similar to activating the Wagner coup attempt . . . part 1 of 2.
Remember when the Ukrainian counter-offensive was going badly and they activated a coup attempt by Wagner? They were trying to get something going to gain an advantage because things were going badly for them.
Activating Turkey and ISIS to try and spread Russia out is one of the Regime's last trump cards, and for what? Because Israel needed a break from Hezbollah and didn't want to appear weak?
Let's see what Russia does after this meeting with Turkey in Doha tomorrow.
The reason why guys think getting swole and massive will help them get women is because of influencers.
Male lifting influencers, who are almost ALWAYS on anabolic steroids, push an idea that larger is better.
First off, there is a physical limit to how large and muscular a man can get. Very large physiques are not natural.
If you look at actual natural lifters, they are not very big at all.
Many young men fall for this "get big" bullshit, that's mostly about doing drugs.
Anti natalists are a death cult
The idea is that existence is suffering, and you are subjecting someone to suffer by bringing new life into the world.
"Basically being alive is pointless and sucks"
The fact that anti natalists don't simply KiII themselves proves that this isn't true. They choose to live because living is good actually and life is a gift.
First of all, suffering and hardship isn't necessarily a bad thing. If life had no hardship at all, it would be pointless.
@parker @pyrate @Eiswald @Hoss @sun @thatguyoverthere
This is unironically how switzerland operates. It's a confederacy.
The best way to structure a country is for every locality to be self governing regarding things like social issues, religions ect.
Many independently governed states, but under one union. As it's still necessary to be unified for military defense and national infrastructure.
"Good fences make good neighbours".
It's best for ideologically opposed groups to live apart.
Still, it's a pretty shocking change considering she's only 31 now. Probably funny business going on.
@dwarvenallfather feels 2010s ish. Makes me miss gangname style 😭