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@shortstories A guy named @Tfmonkey refers to those "people" as the CATHEDRAL.

Seems fitting

ToyotaTime boosted

@Zeb well at this rate, western countries will collapse both demographically and economically.

In order to avoid such a future, men, particularly young fighting age men, need to realize that their government needs to be disposed of and women at the very least need their voting rights repealed.

Men become redpilled through suffering. So if things get really bad really quickly, young men might warm up to the idea that women are not equal and never were.


The "government" is whatever institution has control over the police, the military and the courts.

That's it.

@shortstories yes the news brainwashes men, and the leftist governments control the news.

Western governments are being controlled by people who hate western culture and want to see it overthrown.

These powerful people want to weaken the west as much as possible, and to do this, Empowering women is key.

When women are empowered, the basic building block of any civilization, the family unit, falls apart.

In my country, all major news stations are owned by the gov.

@shortstories all this is womens nature.

Women vote for abortion because they want to hoe around without consequences

Women vote for DEi and affirmative action because they want to be paid for doing nothing.

Women support terrible marriage laws because they want total control over a man in the marriage

Women become single mothers because they would rather divorce a man and get alimony+child support because it's free money.

Women chase rich guys because hypergamy is in their DNA

Almost every problem that the west is facing is a consequence of women rights.

■birthrates are fucked because women want to chase a career in jobs that don't actually need to exist.

■most young males are single because women only want rich men

■women vote for open boarders and mass immigration, also the falling birthrates make importing workers a lucrative business.

■40% of children in the U.S are born from single mothers

■the bankrupt welfare State exists to benefit women primarily.

@LordMordred Trump ironically sucks more jew cock than Kamala.

It's honestly shocking that every single western country since ww2 has been completely taken over by jews.

But I'm also grateful that Russia and China are seemingly aware of how jews corrupt societies and are taking active measures to prevent jews from having any power in their countries.

The based bois


subs are nice, but all of hitlers speeches need to be DUBBED in English. Considering that Hitler is speaking modern German, it really shouldn't be hard for the fascists to do this.


It's funny to watch a feminist accidentally let it slip that all women are retarded children.

"In Shanghai, all women are chasing a small amount of rich men". Lol, it's not only Shanghai sweetie.

Every single civilization before the 1920s was a patriarchy, because when women are free to choose their own partners, they just chase after the top 20% of rich men.

And those rich men aren't even getting good pussy!, because these women fucked 100+ guys before they even turned 20!

@Tfmonkey @bloggerski @lain @Sophistifunk @Nudhul. Singapore burns their plastic waste, and uses the heat from this Burnt trash to generate electricity.

They have technology that captures these toxic fumes before they are released into the atmosphere. I believe switzerland does this as well

@professortom the fat retards are not the actual enemy, they are just useful idiots.

The governments of the west are the actual enemy.

The government pushes for abortion.

The government imports illegal immigrants

The government pushes feminism

Fixing society at this point would require a civil war. The government is not run by fat retards, they just use the retards as zealot cannon fodder.

All western governments are run 🔯 people.

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ToyotaTime boosted

@greentext whenever a woman (or a trap) tells a rape story that skips important parts of the story with things like "long story short" or "one thing led to another" means that they weren't raped at all. They are just mad that the guy didn't call them back after fucking them and their feelings were hurt.

At least he admits he's a faggot.

ToyotaTime boosted

TIL that Nazis support women's rights because women supposedly voted for Hitler en masse, and thus taking women's rights away would be bad because women have proven to be good Nazi supporters in the past.

The truth it that in 1930s Germany religion was vastly more impactful, and Protestant women only supported the Nazis due to them being the Protestant party. None of that is replicatable in the modern world.


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