It’s funny how blatantly obvious this became after you pointed out the US wonder weapons propaganda @Tfmonkey

Interesting developments @Tfmonkey

He pretty close to saying we need to take their rights away.

Now that he said that it will go mainstream pretty quickly just like every other bit of mgtow knowledge has.

@Tfmonkey hey so apparently this is the financial advisor for the president, it’s all starting to make sense why you can’t predict what he does.

He doesn’t even know what’s going on lmao

@Wopu why do they give a fuck if humans have sex on their off time

@DoubleD I’m not familiar with the process but I can’t imagine x3 in value can’t turn a profit.

@Lorgar with almost x3 profits on the table I can’t imagine it’s not profitable to do.

If you took $100 in quarters you would be getting $300 in copper. Even if it costs you $100 to melt it down you still have double your money.


Our coins (quarter, nickels, dimes, pennies) are made up of roughly 91% copper, 9% nickel.

If you do the math roughly 5.5 quarters equal about a ounce of copper, at this time a single ounce of copper costs $3.10


roughly $1.25 in quarters = is $3.10 in copper.

Roughly $1.00 in quarters = is $2.48 in copper.

Roughly $0.75 in quarters = is $1.86 in copper.

Roughly $0.50 in quarters = is $1.24 in copper.

Roughly $0.25 in quarters = is $0.62 in copper.

@Tfmonkey o ya they will be fine, I was just expected to see it moving one step closer.

+ you were wondering why there was a sudden massive dip in the markets yesterday so I figured that could have played a factor in it.

@Tfmonkey looks like Russia is having a similar sudden market dip as this is all being shaken out.

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@Tfmonkey yes I agree that this specific coloring problem could be solved but it would require a mass recall or destruction of products containing it in those states.

That’s going to create half empty shelves and would probably result in some of those product just being discontinued all together.

Obviously I’m kinda just reaching for straws but it suddenly now being a issue as war looms and prices creep higher is an odd and kinda convenient coincidence.

My back up information for this theory is the states suggesting this bill are mostly bankrupt states caused by Marxist policies already creating artificially high prices… meaning they will be the first to feel that pressure of shortages before everyone else.

This will probably go the same way as those covid news articles stating “suddenly X common day thing causes massive heart attacks”.

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I believe we are about to start seeing mass shortages due to inflation soon and this is the government preparing to shift blame to the producers.

Multiple news outlets have been posting about this ban starting yesterday and it appears to all be the types of items that would get discontinued first in a shortage situation.


Some interesting developments today.

I saw this on a hospital computer in the ER while dropping off one of my patients.

Then I open twitter and see that Russia is telling nato “try me bitch”

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