Morning Constitutional Cancelled: September 28th, 2022
I will not be available tomorrow morning for the Morning Constitutional. I will have my laptop with me, and should be able to do the Monkey's Market Minute, but won't have access to my home studio until Friday, which is close enough to Saturday that there is no point pushing the Morning Constitutional out on an off-day, only to do another stream the next day.

@Tfmonkey @Tfmonkey TFM flying out of state to literally talk a guy down off a ledge due to bleak market conditions.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey You might be onto something there. Historically there has been a correlation of increased suicides by Wall St types with market crashes. Do we expect a new round of Brokers jumping off buildings?

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey @UncleIroh @Tfmonkey only those who call TFM every time his investment advice doesn't immediately work out and they're chasing their normie instincts to sell low and buy high.
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