I'm roman catholic and I no longer try to convert anyone. The thing is, nothing you say will change my mid. Say what you will, one thing is certain - I'm not afraid of death. Here's the thing: if I'm right, when I die I meet my maker, if I'm wrong, then when I die nothing will happen.

Please stop trying to lump roman catholics with other retard reform christians. "oh the religion was created by the romans" YEAH, it's in the description ROMAN Catholic Church. We follow a bunch of stuff that is nowhere to be found in the bible. YES. NO SHIT. The bible isn't the end all be all.

@blitzdriver All Christians are reformists if you take a long enough view.

To an Eastern Orthodox Christian, the Roman Catholic Church done fucked up a long time ago and then went total gaga bitchcakes with Vatican II.

To an Oriental Orthodox Christian, the Eastern Orthodox Church are Johnny-come-latelys since they have the longest unbroken lineage of Christian liturgy.

As an Eastern Orthodox bro, I can only hope you Romans expel all that commie bullshit out of your Church eventually.

@UncleIroh I have loads of issues with the commie anti-pope and vatican II


@blitzdriver I do feel for my Roman bros having to put up with this shit for so long. When Italy's Meloni makes more sense on GloboHomo than the Vatican, it's time to clean house.

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