The secret to life is to stop expecting stupid people to stop being stupid and to just love them anyway in all of their stupidity.

The world is one big short bus of mouth breathing window licking retards, and you're stuck with them whether you like it or not.

I'm surprised. This is not only true, but you're also right that it's a truth where love is the best response.

There are practical implications. The US Army refuse to enlist anyone with an IQ of under 84, correlated to the ASVAB test. That's 10-16% of the population who are too retarded to be of any practical use to an army because they just don't have the capacity to learn and retain anything useful.

What do you do with 33-53 million retards in a highly cognitive society?


Added to this is the fact that meaningful relationships break down where the IQ difference is over 30. That describes a lot of relationships.

This is the truth that underpins A. Clarey's book Curse of the High IQ. It exists not just between high IQ people and the everyone else, but between the majority median and low IQ populations

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