I feel so free I was inspired to write some poetry. Ahem

Roses are red
Violets are blue
2020 election was STOLEN
and the Covid Vaccine may kill you

Republicans are red
Democrats are blue
If you value reedom
there's NO party for you!



Please, don't ever quit your day job.

And if you send any more poems I swear it'll be the real goatse meme next time.

@UncleIroh Lol I thought this community was supposed to be cultured.

Would you prefer a haiku?

If you attempt a haiku, it's goatse time for sure. Might throw in Tubgirl or Blue Waffle if you're not careful.

@UncleIroh Fine I'll take my shitpost and go home.

But this will go down in history as the day you snubbed the next robert frost.

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