The secret to life is to stop expecting stupid people to stop being stupid and to just love them anyway in all of their stupidity.

The world is one big short bus of mouth breathing window licking retards, and you're stuck with them whether you like it or not.

I'm surprised. This is not only true, but you're also right that it's a truth where love is the best response.

There are practical implications. The US Army refuse to enlist anyone with an IQ of under 84, correlated to the ASVAB test. That's 10-16% of the population who are too retarded to be of any practical use to an army because they just don't have the capacity to learn and retain anything useful.

What do you do with 33-53 million retards in a highly cognitive society?

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey > What do you do with 33-53 million retards in a highly cognitive society?

Remove borders and import 100 million low IQ 3rd worlders, that will fix it.

@PalePimp @Tfmonkey
True, but here's the extreme other end of that trade: Japan.

Arguably the highest IQ nation on the planet and they're dying out. On their current trajectory who knows how long they'll last?

Example. Inherited wealth in most societies usually gets passed onto children in their 30-50's, giving an economic boost. In Japan where they are also long lived, you now have parents passing inheritance onto their retired children aged 65-75. That's a dying population.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey > Arguably the highest IQ nation on the planet and they're dying out.

> dying out


Listen populations do grown and do shrink and nothing happens.

The notion that the population has to endlessly expand is a Jew trick because they need it to sustain their retirement ponzi schemes and their perpetual profit growth. They don't what to earn money they want all the money all the time.

Nothing happens if the population shrinks, what happens after a generation or two is that it grows again sometimes you get a baby boom.

What a society can't survive is massive importing foreigners such as what is being done to all western countries in the name of "climate refugees, war refugees from jew wars, economic migrants from neighbouring countries and other jewish shenanigans" with the excuse that they will pay your pensions and will take care of the old.

Every single western country has immense pools of unemployment people and very high taxes and yet we need more niggers because population is contracting 5-10%


@PalePimp @UncleIroh Yes and No. When things like the Plague or massive wars plunge the population down, it's not the end of the world as long as it's balanced. As long as everyone is shrinking together it's fine.

However, when there isn't balance. When group A shrinks while group B doesn't, and group C grows, then group A is fucked and will likely be conquered by group C.

Empowering women is the kiss of death to a society, but continue to make it about race and jews. It won't matter soon.

@Tfmonkey @PalePimp
To add, PalePimp's model of growing & shrinking without consequence can only happen in a closed economy.

We don't live in that world, nor does Japan. We live in an open economy world and depopulation invites aggression as well as other consequences.

Importing 3rd worlders into Japan would fuck it up forever & no-one wants that for Japan.

I want Jap men to tell their cute bitches to stop working, have Jap kids & carry on being Japs.

Jews? You might be right there.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey @PalePimp Jews want that for literally every place on the planet because multicultural societies allow them to hide. Turn the populations on each other, and they don't notice a small percentage of people making in roads into financial and cultural levers of power.

This is much easier in the west because they can literally, physically blend in with whites, but jewish groups push for open borders literally everywhere (except Israel of course).

@UncleIroh @purvispisgah @PalePimp I'm not saying DON'T impale the Progressive Jews. I just think the problem isn't LIMITED to jews, and we should impale the Progressives of all races and religions.

@Tfmonkey @purvispisgah @PalePimp

Protestantism is riddled with Progressivism, which is how you end up with drag queens being invited into Church to be with kids. Impalement spikes with extreme prejudice for the whole disgusting heretical lot of them.

But that's only one circle of the venn diagram. Jews play this game on both sides, Progressive and Conservative, as always. It's way more spikes than you can imagine.


@purvispisgah @Tfmonkey @PalePimp

And on the question of 200 Years Together, here's Jordan Peterson dodging the question that Kanye doesn't:

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey @PalePimp Yes, this was the first time I ever became skeptical of Peterson. I watched a lot of his lectures, like multiple semesters worth of videos of his classes on YouTube. Found it fascinating. Got me to read Gulag Archipelago. Came to really respect Solzhenitsyn.

And then I saw this. JP is so unwilling to engage with this on an academic level. Credibility can be lost in an instant.

@purvispisgah @Tfmonkey @PalePimp
JP knows that his career is torched to the ground and his children will be pursued out of any fame and fortune the moment he engages with the Jewish Question.

I respect his early work and he moved the cultural needle in a positive direction, stacking W's against feminists and redpilling millions. But as TFM noted, he never acknowledged men's lack of authority to go with his appeal for taking responsibility. So just tradcuckery.

Not a joke though.

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