
I've watched a lot of Muslim content lately, trying to understand them better.

Turns out they are having a massive problem with their women, a marriage and divorce crisis.

Their young single women are all sluts who want to delay marriage, and when they do eventually marry they ask for divorce far more often.

Despite all their cultural patriarchy, actually living in western countries is turning them into disrespectful "strong and independent" whores.

Except Afghanistan.

@UncleIroh @Pain66 - I think TFM's take on this may be correct... That industrialization is the circumstantial cause of feminism and the widespread simpery that allows it.

Which is bad news if a man dreams of trans-humanism and terminator waifus. But as for me? I don't think I mind forgoing the easy living of industrialization. I could totally be a cobbler or something.

@YoMomz @Pain66

"The Muslim Skeptic" comes to similar conclusions. He thinks that the West's Liberal Enlightenment and atheism emerged from technological advances that then brought about a cultural revolution in society, and that we've been in a feedback loop since.

And that once started, Feminism is practically inevitable.

I disagree, but I do believe industrialization is a big part of it.

Check him out, he's quite based.




@YoMomz @Pain66

To be more accurate, he also points out that technology always brings in unpredictable and unwanted effects. So he shares some of the same concerns that the Amish and Uncle Ted do.

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