Looking back on it I wish I went to college online or overseas.

I fell for the college experience meme and I paid for it in more ways than one.

I'm doing okaynow but life could have been so much easier and cheaper had I went to uni online/overseas.



Online?! Sure, you would have saved a ton of money but it couldn't have been so bad that being alone online for an entire degree would have been better ...?


I see it a different way.

I could go to online school and still socialize based on interests like intramural sports and clubs.

Instead I had to room with some of the most disgusting, morally bankrupt, braindead barbaric junkies masquerading as college students.

I was one of the ONLY people in my class who was there for the interest of the subject >>>> easy $$$, women etc.

I don't regret college as it flipped my politics after seeing how mentally adrift/ entitled people were


I see. Like with your earlier point about raising girls, this is another data point for you that demonstrates how at odds you are with the dominant culture.

It sucks but it IS useful information too that you can use.

@UncleIroh Precisely. And TBH I'm was leaning towards internation education.

I could have studied at Yokohama University in Japan and not been through hell.

But if I didn't go through hell I wouldn't have found mgtow/philosophy and been happier than I've ever been!

Such is the duality of life.

@UncleIroh Plus TBH I had a chance to go to UNI in Japan but I declined because it was too expensive.

Looking back on it I could have EASILY found a scholarship and made it work had I known what I was in for....


Japan would have been fun for sure.

Depending on your stage of life, you could probably still afford to burn a couple of years getting that out of your system before making things permanent.

Oh I plan on doing just that! @UncleIroh

Japan may be xenophobic and dying out, but at least they have a functional society


Go for it. Honestly I'm a little jealous. A couple of years in Japan sounds ideal right now.

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