
God's Chosen Podcasters have been all over the internet panicking to herd the goyim back into line with their "nuanced take" jibber jabber:

Ben Shapiro
Lex Fridman
Dave Rubin
Michael Malice
Dave Smith
Chris Williamson
Sam Harris
Kisin Konstantin
Gad Saad
Curtis Yarvin
Alex Stein
Eric Weinstein
Bret Weinstein
Glenn Greenwald


Crowder's not Jewish as far as I'm aware. All the ones listed are.

I've missed some for sure (like Ethan Klein), but all those people have been on Rogan''s podcast, which skyrockets their reach.

In particular Lex Fridman. He reached 3.3M followers in record time by being massively boosted by the YouTube/Spotify/Apple/Facebook algorithms.

Just a coincidence that the AI spearhead in the podcast world with unprecedented reach is Jewish.

I don't notice patterns. Look .. a butterfly!

@UncleIroh Eric wienstone is still podcasting? I thought they deboooooonked his geometry hoax and he fucked off back to satan


He's rebooting his podcast apparently and still hocking Geometric Unity as a candidate TOE.

I heard him say it on Dr Brian Keating's podcast.

Dr Keating you say? Yes, he's Jewish.


There was an interesting recent podcast between Eric Weinstein and Stephen Wolfram hosted by Brian Keating that you might want to watch:

Wolfram came off as a total Chad while Weinstein came off as a whiny bitch. Good times.

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