The final solution is not violent but does not exclude the possibility of the defensive use of force

Now that I posted the final solution which is education about atrocities committed by "Jews"

I am going to try to accomplish some goals so I might not log on here again until I accomplish certain things

non violent goals to improve my life situation and living conditions


If we end diversity, no one needs to die and the problem is solved.

@amerika @shortstories

won't work. violence always has to be the backstop.

their slow-kill method is to seek out envy, resentment, lust and greed in individuals and populations and then exploit those with their subversive academic theories and philosophies in every institution.

at the sharp end, they have made an artform out of kompromat, blackmail, bribery and plausibly deniable assassination to control all the levers of power.

and they have learned how to keep a grudge for centuries.

@amerika @shortstories

essentially you have to understand that you're playing game-theory with sociopaths. unique problems require unique solutions.

your proposal is definitely part of the it, but until you understand that hands are going to have to get dirty, education alone will not do it.

@UncleIroh @shortstories

I think we change laws and incentive structures, and culture will follow.

Diversity does not work in any form.

End that, and all the other stuff fades away too.

@amerika @shortstories

what do you mean by "end diversity"? and I mean precisely. what exact prescriptions?

@UncleIroh @shortstories

1. Every society is monoethnic.
2. Groups get deported to ancestral homelands.
3. USA remains WASP.
4. Europeans separate into their ethnic groups.
5. No funding of the third world and no colonialism.

@amerika @shortstories

effectively you want to outlaw emigration and immigration, turning each country into a prison? no-one in, no-one out.

practically impossible and will therefore never happen.

you are also disregarding a key vector in Jewish power - academia. arguably they have conquered the West at least partially through the virality of their ideas and philosophies via universties, books, and papers.

this entrypoint is immune to border controls.


@amerika @shortstories

Marxism, Critical Theory and
Fractional Reserve Central Banking alone have decimated The West, alongside a whole slew of non-Western countries around the world.

It's more than borders.

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