There are people who unironically believe the US will institute a draft to fight for israel.

Go touch grass. Go touch ass. And then look around to what the fuck is going on in this retarded country.

The left and right are now both united on the issue of the Biden regime getting into another war on behalf of Israel. Neither wants to fight for the scum leading the country.

There will not be any fucking draft. There will be a revolt against the government otherwise.



Agreed, but let's refine this demographically & economically.

The youngest Gen-Xer is 42, the youngest Millennial is 27, and the minimum Gen-Z fighting age is greater than half their average (15 yrs).

This means a majority Millennial-then-Gen-Z draft.

Millennials are also set to inherit a record $68trilliion from the most populous & wealthy generation, Boomers, over the next decade+.

M's and Z's (left & right) are anti-Zio, anti-war and soft as shit.

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