Milei has two missions:

1A. Epically fuck Argentina an awful lot more than the commies ever did.

1B. Snatch Argentina from the hands of the Latin American left who does not like Israel one bit.

2. Consolidate the idea that right-wingers are cartoon-level ridiculous nutjobs who can't tell their ass from a hole in the ground.

Of course, the M5M will play a major role in that plan as usual.



With the Great Noticing still under way, and Rumble and X still not shut down, they just don't have the necessary mass-ignorance and censorship tools to gaslight this playbook favorite into reality one more time.

It's worked countless times before, but I think we're fast approaching a Noticing tipping point.


The Great Noticing will not matter for long. It's clear that the Internet will be shut down soon. They have sort of "announced" it like they usually do.


Oh yes, in my head I'm already calling it The Great Iranian Hack Attack. It's on its way for sure.


No. They have announced a magnetic sun storm or some such is going to happen and take down the internets next year.


Ah, the Cosmic EMP. Whatever they try, it's going to be fun watching them try to whack-a-mole mass dissent, and to watch the rise of massive dark markets.

They are going to fail so hard.


I don't see how they can fail. ISPs will be told to shut down and people will have no options. Adam always said that sysadmins would save the world, I always thought he was very wrong on that one, and we will find out soon.

Someone cracked your account and in you name posting nonsense about shutting down the "internet"?!
There will be 6+ billion people building a better alternative in a hurry.

There are hundreds of millions doing the same thing, slowly. Blockchains eventually replace the DNS, wikipedia eventually going to be replaced with wikis on IPFS, and so forth.

That would only force our hand.

@FourOh-LLC @UncleIroh

build a better alternative in a hurry.

not without Internet

Blockchains replace the DNS

not without Internet

People access the replacements

not without Internet

wikipedia replaced with wikis

not without Internet

people access wikis

not without Internet

We do not even have a name for the thing evolving the "internet" into something different.

The "internet" is Web2 and before. The "global network free for everyone" is now a parasite not something desirable, the next evolutionary step is to make everyone pay and slice the network into autonomous fully-controlled pieces.

The next evolutionary step is to keep everyone out, not let everyone in.
The Fediverse is a good example of that.
I want mute or block the attackers, then if that does not work I just want to shed my identity and start over.

We are all very sick and tired of the "all inclusive internet".


Internet on-ramps include the cell-tower network, cable ISPs and satellelite. After taking effective control over those, they have to take complete control of all 13 root nameservers. Then all local proxies, VPN's, tor entry nodes, I2P and all other anonymizing networks.

Then all hosting services, clouds, a shit-ton of 0-day encryption & chip exploits, etc..

The fact that you think this is possible shows how much power you are willing to hand over.


You won't be allowed to access the cell-tower network, cable ISPs and satellite.

The nameservers remain basically the same. The elites need them.

Nobody can use anonymizing networks without Internet.

All hosting services, clouds, a shit-ton of 0-day encryption & chip exploits, etc. will be on an Internet the slaves won't be allowed to access. A new meaning for "the cloud."


Of course you'll be allowed acces to the on-ramps. Not only do I doubt they can completely control all on-ramps, they can't stop people sharing access once granted.

They want KYC/AML-based access. Once that has been granted, there's nothing they can do to prevent your next hop, and that can be to any kind of anynomizing service.

Your blackpill doomer view shows how successfullly you've been demoralized. In reality, they simply don't have the power you think they do.


Really? If they suspend all the ISPs in my area, how am I ever supposed to access anything?

Elon Musk's satellite service would be technically possible, but it is very expensive. I can't afford it.


Why would they want to suspend ISP's? The goal is control over everyones access, not tanking the global economy by shutting the internet down.


Tanking the global economy is one of their major goals.


They don't want to be Kings of Nothing, that's retarded. You've let fear overtake reason.


Cuba and North Korea are ruled by kings of nothing. People are weak and can't fight. Total control. Russia and China are different, but not very.


I find doomers like you strange.

The amount of power you guys willingly give to the State through your own propagandized fear response is odd.

It's really not that hard dude. I guess we'll all find out together.

Regulations only create healthier and bigger black markets and barter thrives.

"They cannot arrest all of us" is true. I will be the first one to kiss up to the tyrant gov. and pass down my earned capacities for a profit.

I do this with EVERY form of Government, because that's all they deserve - disobedience.

@FourOh-LLC @UncleIroh

They don't need mass arrests. They cut the supply of food and people die. Google "Holodomor."

They have been working on a new famine for some time.

You must know your argument has an Achilles's heels.

It is the inner cities which will have mass starvation. I cannot imagine a village of a few thousands having too many people starving to death.

By know every sane person want NYC starve and die, perish, sink under the Ocean. Who needs the stock-market, SNL, the sports teams, the Journalist anymore?

I live near Chicago. I wish the city was hit with a fucking meteor and just disappear.
I do not google anything. I use ChatGPT.
You are having a bad day, I read your for months this is nothing like what you are.

Remember, the Ancient Roman empire collapsed only to reborn into the Christian Western Civilization, and the Nigros, the Muslims, the North American Indians - Hell, even the Asian Indians had very little to none to contribute until they were SET free.

Even today, these people ARE the savages. The Christian Western Civilization is still a young thing, still in its cradle.

@FourOh-LLC @lccmv

I don't know this guy, but he appears so demoralized, he's already agreed to throw in the towel whenever the flase flag internet-attack is made.

My response is different. I'm looking at alt-everything, decentrallized everything - hardware, software, networks, finance, comms, faradays, backups, redundancies, etc..

Total control, 100% censorship, 100% success/100% defeat doesn't exist.

We all control a bit of everything, its not so different from voting.

@UncleIroh @FourOh-LLC

Yes, decentralization is really cool.

Now please answer the question: if they suspend all the ISPs in my area, how am I ever supposed to access anything?

I do not know your area, so I am not going to give you false hope. I live around Chicago, and I know how for my own area.

@lccmv @FourOh-LLC

Now please answer my question: why would they want to?

They want to control peoples access to on-ramps, not shut them down.

Even that's a stretch.

What they want control of most of all is KYC/AML access to all online services and social media because once that ID is keyed to your salary/bank/medical, they have control over your behavior.

Suspsending ISP's is retarded. It solves nothing. Online engagement > internet exile.

@lccmv @FourOh-LLC

What you've done is skipped the Middle East, skipped China and gone straight to North Korea's model of "starve everyone, cut everybody off from the internet and pretend the State is an actual God."

Not gonna happen. Chill out dude, they have nowhere NEAR that power over you.

@UncleIroh @FourOh-LLC

The most common theory on the street is that the Internet will be shut down some time before, during and some time after election. Of course, it will be stolen again. Only M5M will speak at the people like in the good old times. When the Internet comes back, online identification will be compulsory and all money will be digital.

Show newer
The so called "color-revolution" in the USA is nearing its end.

Every self-loathing white trash - especially the intellectual kind - is having homicidal, murder-suicidal temptations. Every white-hating colored-trash has the same thing in mind, training with suicide-vests and hoping to get the 72 virgins.

Whites survived worse.


Wait. I vaguely remember you saying some time ago that you grew up in the Soviet Union. Is that correct or am I mistaking you for someone else?

Correct. I was born in 1968 in Soviet-occupied Hungary.


I'll look it up and read about it. I know nothing about Hungary. Sounds like a good time to learn.

@FourOh-LLC @UncleIroh @lccmv >By know every sane person want NYC starve and die, perish, sink under the Ocean. Who needs the stock-market, SNL, the sports teams, the Journalist anymore?
Yeah imagine if a 9/11 style incident happened today in NYC. Half the country would be hoping that there was more on the way for silicon valley and DC.

@FourOh-LLC @lccmv

Correct. The black market in China is thriving, and used by everyone. It could only exist by virtue of the extreme regulation.

@UncleIroh @FourOh-LLC

You mean crime is thriving. Robberies and burglaries are rampant. You can't trust anyone. Nobody trusts anyone. Citizens turn on citizens every day. The entire population is divided, not in two but into countless. No union at all. People are cattle. Government has total control.

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