Milei has two missions:

1A. Epically fuck Argentina an awful lot more than the commies ever did.

1B. Snatch Argentina from the hands of the Latin American left who does not like Israel one bit.

2. Consolidate the idea that right-wingers are cartoon-level ridiculous nutjobs who can't tell their ass from a hole in the ground.

Of course, the M5M will play a major role in that plan as usual.


With the Great Noticing still under way, and Rumble and X still not shut down, they just don't have the necessary mass-ignorance and censorship tools to gaslight this playbook favorite into reality one more time.

It's worked countless times before, but I think we're fast approaching a Noticing tipping point.


The Great Noticing will not matter for long. It's clear that the Internet will be shut down soon. They have sort of "announced" it like they usually do.


Oh yes, in my head I'm already calling it The Great Iranian Hack Attack. It's on its way for sure.


No. They have announced a magnetic sun storm or some such is going to happen and take down the internets next year.


Ah, the Cosmic EMP. Whatever they try, it's going to be fun watching them try to whack-a-mole mass dissent, and to watch the rise of massive dark markets.

They are going to fail so hard.


I don't see how they can fail. ISPs will be told to shut down and people will have no options. Adam always said that sysadmins would save the world, I always thought he was very wrong on that one, and we will find out soon.


Internet on-ramps include the cell-tower network, cable ISPs and satellelite. After taking effective control over those, they have to take complete control of all 13 root nameservers. Then all local proxies, VPN's, tor entry nodes, I2P and all other anonymizing networks.

Then all hosting services, clouds, a shit-ton of 0-day encryption & chip exploits, etc..

The fact that you think this is possible shows how much power you are willing to hand over.


You won't be allowed to access the cell-tower network, cable ISPs and satellite.

The nameservers remain basically the same. The elites need them.

Nobody can use anonymizing networks without Internet.

All hosting services, clouds, a shit-ton of 0-day encryption & chip exploits, etc. will be on an Internet the slaves won't be allowed to access. A new meaning for "the cloud."


Of course you'll be allowed acces to the on-ramps. Not only do I doubt they can completely control all on-ramps, they can't stop people sharing access once granted.

They want KYC/AML-based access. Once that has been granted, there's nothing they can do to prevent your next hop, and that can be to any kind of anynomizing service.

Your blackpill doomer view shows how successfullly you've been demoralized. In reality, they simply don't have the power you think they do.

Regulations only create healthier and bigger black markets and barter thrives.

"They cannot arrest all of us" is true. I will be the first one to kiss up to the tyrant gov. and pass down my earned capacities for a profit.

I do this with EVERY form of Government, because that's all they deserve - disobedience.

@FourOh-LLC @UncleIroh

They don't need mass arrests. They cut the supply of food and people die. Google "Holodomor."

They have been working on a new famine for some time.

You must know your argument has an Achilles's heels.

It is the inner cities which will have mass starvation. I cannot imagine a village of a few thousands having too many people starving to death.

By know every sane person want NYC starve and die, perish, sink under the Ocean. Who needs the stock-market, SNL, the sports teams, the Journalist anymore?

I live near Chicago. I wish the city was hit with a fucking meteor and just disappear.
I do not google anything. I use ChatGPT.
You are having a bad day, I read your for months this is nothing like what you are.

Remember, the Ancient Roman empire collapsed only to reborn into the Christian Western Civilization, and the Nigros, the Muslims, the North American Indians - Hell, even the Asian Indians had very little to none to contribute until they were SET free.

Even today, these people ARE the savages. The Christian Western Civilization is still a young thing, still in its cradle.

@FourOh-LLC @lccmv

I don't know this guy, but he appears so demoralized, he's already agreed to throw in the towel whenever the flase flag internet-attack is made.

My response is different. I'm looking at alt-everything, decentrallized everything - hardware, software, networks, finance, comms, faradays, backups, redundancies, etc..

Total control, 100% censorship, 100% success/100% defeat doesn't exist.

We all control a bit of everything, its not so different from voting.

@UncleIroh @FourOh-LLC

Yes, decentralization is really cool.

Now please answer the question: if they suspend all the ISPs in my area, how am I ever supposed to access anything?

I do not know your area, so I am not going to give you false hope. I live around Chicago, and I know how for my own area.

@lccmv @FourOh-LLC

Now please answer my question: why would they want to?

They want to control peoples access to on-ramps, not shut them down.

Even that's a stretch.

What they want control of most of all is KYC/AML access to all online services and social media because once that ID is keyed to your salary/bank/medical, they have control over your behavior.

Suspsending ISP's is retarded. It solves nothing. Online engagement > internet exile.

@lccmv @FourOh-LLC

What you've done is skipped the Middle East, skipped China and gone straight to North Korea's model of "starve everyone, cut everybody off from the internet and pretend the State is an actual God."

Not gonna happen. Chill out dude, they have nowhere NEAR that power over you.

@UncleIroh @FourOh-LLC

The most common theory on the street is that the Internet will be shut down some time before, during and some time after election. Of course, it will be stolen again. Only M5M will speak at the people like in the good old times. When the Internet comes back, online identification will be compulsory and all money will be digital.

The difference between a conspiracy theory and a valid concern is that conspiracy theories do not HAPPEN.

What you describe is a valid concern. If there is a way to make it happen, it will happen.

So, what are we going to do to prevent it?

@FourOh-LLC @UncleIroh

I don't know how to prevent it. The other guy in this conversation still hasn't played the angelic choir music and revealed how to access the internet with all ISPs unavailable.

People call me a fool for this attitude - but the fact is that a Hubzilla node works without DNS, without Lets' Encrypt, over low-power WiFi. Consider it an Public Broadcast System.

I KNOW how to build this from nothing but laptops and desktops of any kind, in a city block or village square.

@FourOh-LLC @lccmv

Bingo. Mesh networks exist right now all over the US and the world. Literally battle-tested.


An Owner-operated Mesh Network, where the node is operated by an expert / root, who pays and installs and upgrades and backs-up and RECOVERS his node.

The RON (Owner-operated Residential Network).
You will not find anything about The RON. I am inventing it as we speak.

Its based on the MESH WiFi of the PKT blockchain - but I also operate a captive portal of my own, in parallel to the PKT network.

The idea is the same, yes: operate so many nodes that those who are forbidden by a Social Credit System has a free market to chose for internet connection.

@FourOh-LLC @lccmv

I'd like to know more about this, especially interested in the range-to node-density and whether it can be run on raspberry pi or similar ..

Sure beats arguing a million anon over shit that does not matter.
If you need help with RFC and other service stuff - please let me know. I am a GNU/Debian fan, and I have stacks of good software just waiting to be used.

I spend time with internet infrastructure knowing that it will be essential to bypass Social Credit Ratings. Well, I have ways to do that even before that garbage is in effect.

@FourOh-LLC @lccmv @ReadyKilowatt

Gnu/debian fan here too. Looks like I might be reaching out depending on where this goes.

The PKT blockchain is a corporation, a business. They sell capacity and I run their hardware gateway. They do not yet have starships, but they are very serious about what they do (

You can build a comparative rig as explained here is mostly his vision, and I use his network as a gift for my "loyalty" and "rationality" about ower-operated networks as the future of the internet.

If you want my advise... spend your time and resources learning how to bridge DNS into the blockchains. Which is what I do.

@FourOh-LLC @lccmv

Years ago I had high hopes for namecoin, but I've not looked into it for a couple of years.

Why would you not leverage that approach?

I have at least one of my domains registered with Unstoppable.

I do not care for namecoin.

@FourOh-LLC @lccmv

Weird, I've heard of all kinds of fuckery about Unstoppable. Delays, radio silence, especially for the money they ask.

Sounds like you're OK with them.

I know nothing about them, I have not been visiting them.

Once I bought a DNS namespace, then I looked and see what I can do to make that namespace persist.

Truly Owner-operated Residential Networks (The RONs) do not have the luxury to validate anything they are not using daily.

What The RONs can do, however, is to bring this to the surface. I just shared this with you.. I brought the Unstoppable namespace to learn how to bridge the same DNS namespace with it... and so far I learned nothing.

The RON does not deceive, cannot deceive as we are the Expert Pool. We cannot deceive each other.

The RON is simply the extension of the Linux User Group with very specific, real-life purpose for each participants.

@FourOh-LLC @UncleIroh

1. Less than 1% of the population even suspects or understands what the hell a "mesh network" could be. Without massive participation, any mesh network will be a useless island with no nodes to hop onto.

2. Someone somewhere has to have access to the internet (which again, is shut down) to feed any content into the highfalutin mesh network.

@lccmv @FourOh-LLC

OK, how about this?

Either answer my question about why the fuck they would want to suspend ISP's and tank global ecommerce instead of controlling access to the internet?


quit being an oxygen thief and do the right thing.

@UncleIroh @FourOh-LLC

I have answered that. To quell any attempts to challenge the election which will of course be stolen. Please pay more attention.

@lccmv @FourOh-LLC

That doesn't answer it at all.

Stealing an election and then going straight into North Korea mode is literally retarded.

I need to know that you can actually think before continuing. Explain WHY trying to impose N Korea over an armed population makes more sense than having a functioning economy and no civil war.

I'm not even asking you how it could even work - spoiler, it can't - I'm just interested for now in WHY you think that's even a goal.

@lccmv @FourOh-LLC @UncleIroh >Less than 1% of the population even suspects or understands what the hell a "mesh network" could be.
So? How did boomers get on Facebook?
>"Hey Jim, check this out. I can see new pictures of my grandkids every day!"
People will learn to use a thing when they have no choice; necessity and constraints breed innovation.
>Someone somewhere has to have access to the internet (which again, is shut down) to feed any content into the highfalutin mesh network.
Why? Everyone has devices already. You get a simple thing to put on your device to make it a part of the mesh web. You share your local news and comments. Text files signed with a call sign would be good enough for those in smaller groups. More advanced stuff could use encryption based bbs esque systems with users getting a "tripcode" if desired, or several other ways to provide one-way anonymity. Hell, people have trained carrier pigeons to carry USB drives and flash cards in LDCs with crappy internet. And this isn't happening soon anyway. If it does, be prepared. My buddies and I have a place to rendezvous and a job already assigned along with enough "resources". All my prep is insurance that I hope I never have to use.
@lccmv @FourOh-LLC @UncleIroh And don't forget about shortwave radio and HAM. You can send signals hundreds of miles with that. Unless it's nuclear fallout city clogging up the signal, there's ways to communicate.

@BowsacNoodle @UncleIroh @FourOh-LLC

Way too technical.

Have you seen Mark Dice interviewing people on the beach? Offering them to choose from 10 dollars or a silver bar? Have you?

I have heard Mark Dice speak. Not fluent enough about IT for me to care.

@FourOh-LLC @UncleIroh @BowsacNoodle

Mark Dice is a dizzying high IQ genius in comparison with the people he interviews. That means regular people. People who will never understand what the hell this whole mesh network business is about. With regular people out of it, what's the point? M5M narrative will be all they will have.

People who design and build battery-based electric cars have the best understanding of V=IR (Ohm's Law).

They are just too smart to fucking accept it.

@FourOh-LLC @lccmv @BowsacNoodle

Just remember that with great power comes great resistance x current^2

That' not Ohms law, and good luck with plugging it into The Triangle.

@FourOh-LLC @lccmv @BowsacNoodle

It's the relationship between power and resistance (P = I^2 R) in order to make a pun.

Chill dude.

@FourOh-LLC @lccmv @BowsacNoodle

Yes. As in, what's your fucking problem? Can you not appreciate a relevant pun on the relationship between power and resistance, or do you have a stick up your ass?

The next evolution of the "internet" is to keep everyone out.
@lccmv @UncleIroh @FourOh-LLC Have you seen media interviewing people for hours only to find the dumbest take or the one that fits the narrative they want to push around an event? I have. There are people who I'm sure believe a $10 bill is worth more than a silver bar, but they don't matter. The NPC meme is reality in that some people don't have the processing power to work through abstracts and nested hypotheticals. They tend to rely on social queues rather than trying to problem solve solo. Who cares either way; the American revolution happened without majority support. The majority isn't needed, only a strong minority with moral courage and a belief in what they stand for.
Unfortunately this is true both ways, the Globalists did the same with a small minority in 2020 - they have hijacked our Government.

@FourOh-LLC @lccmv

The most common theory can suck a choad.

When the election is stolen again - and I agree it's when, not if - the only 2 paths are to accept it or not accept it. Not accepting it can mean anything from SHTF to mass walking away. Non-compliance.

I'm not fully sold on either outcome yet, but passive acceptance is not something I see happening. Not even a bit.

As for ISPs, your scenario is retarded. Make logical sense if you want that answered.

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