I see arguments of this form from Christian Nationalists a lot:
1. If we were Christian, we would ban {a bunch of things like feminism}.
2. We really want to ban those things since they're bad.
3. Therefore, we should force Christianity on folks.

This is an affirming the consequent fallacy.

Further, we don't need to force this religion to ban bad things. Christianity, as history has shown, also brings its own bad things.


You're arguing against straw men claims that CN's never make.

Christian nationalism is not a theocracy, nor does it advocate for one. It advocates for basing law on a Christian moral framework because laws are simply moral "ought" claims, not just "I want because .. feels".

We supposedly already have that, since the legal system is based on the Byzantine Justinian Code, but that's being dismantled at record pace as you're seeing in real time.


As the 20th century experiments in communism and the current day West clearly demonstrates, moral frameworks cannot be derived from secularism.

That’s different than forcing belief or church attendance which is absurd.

The biggest single indictment of this is the fact that under secular morality, literally no Western society is able to reproduce itself.


The other part that is often missed is that this is largely Orthodox Christian in origin.

Protestanism has failed. Catholicism is failing before our very eyes. Both are considered heresies from the Ortho perspective, and this 1000-year argument is now at the "I told you so" stage.

Orthodoxy is based in Byzantium Empire, & since it's fall, has thrived on a decentralized model of church nationalism - Greek, Russian, Syriac etc.. that shares power with the state.

Not a theocracy.

@UncleIroh @philosophy

"moral frameworks cannot be derived from secularism."

Say it again!

You 'can't run a society off of subjective morality. There must be some objective standard or we're wasting our time.

@basedbagel @philosophy

Why people don't understand this is beyond me.

Even when the 6ft5in bearded tranny is slapping their face with his girldick, secularists will still insist with no trace or irony that secular morality actually exists.

This kind of derangement cannot be fixed. It is precisely why people with a grounded moral framework need to retake power and shut these degenerate assholes down.

@UncleIroh @philosophy

My best guess is that secular people just want to act as if religion is completely useless even if it means disregarding it's clear objective utility throughout history.

We really do need to take power back and do it right this time. 😉

And PLEASE put a content warning on the picture on the right.

I don't think I've ever gotten and lost a boner so fast...

They're destroying our basic bitehes.... Unforgivable!


@basedbagel @philosophy

No content warnings bitch, we're in this room now and we all have to eat the whole ass until it's fixed.

I agree btw. However, people need to understand that taking back power is a multi-generational project. It took commies 60 years minimum to thoroughly capture every aspect of education. They were ambitious, patient and persistent.

This won't happen in my lifetime, but demographics is destiny and since they routinely kill & sterilize their kids, they WILL lose.

@UncleIroh @philosophy

I agree they will lose. The question is how much damage will they do before then?

And that is up to us.

Another thing is we need to get all the jews or whoever the fuck is making all this satanic commie propaganda and put them in gitmo.

I remember watching a great show untill I saw a gay sex scene in ep.3 out of nowhere.

It had nothing to do with the story nad even my normie friend was thrown off by how random it was.

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