Not sure if any of you caught this story back in 2019 but this guy set up a Neilson rating style system to monitor Googles ephemeral data scheme. Guess he presented this data to a group of AG's and one told him he's going to have a accident in the next few months. He lived, his wife not so much.



Wow, that is impressively evil and underhand. Kudos to that guy for his work, and to Jimmy Dore - he just keeps knocking it out the park.

@UncleIroh @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu

So google is definitely trying to brainwash people

But vote rigging is done simply by the media announcing the winner

This is a limited hang out, guard rail, controlled opposition, graduated animal farm

Makes people think there votes are counted and the real problem is media and therefor free speech interfering with voting the solution crack down on internet freedom and remove free speech in the name of a cyber misinformation pandemic

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