
I don't get the kike reply..??

That comedy skit is an awesome joke about all the sigma-grind bulllshit and the crazy places it can lead to if you have no morals.

@UncleIroh This was what come to my mind after watching

Because it felt like jew moment

Sorry for the confusion.

With sigma-grind bulllshit people often tell basic stuff and sell courses or books.

That have normie lvl cope, talk or one trick.

Like oftne PUA tell guys just ask girls out until one of them say yes

It is like bro just buy lottery ticket and you will win

If not you just repeat until you win

But if you win is it thx to me.


Working hard is good, but not when your country is corrupt and has no morals and you also have no morals. That's when sigma-grind is bullshit.

The founding father of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, wrote a book "Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going" - summary: be grateful, work hard, cane the shit out of assholes, be good to your family.

I've listened to him, and he went wrong with the whole "female equality" bullshit, but otherwise I agree.



Lee Kuan Yew said he would be "uncomfortable if a Jew or a non-Chinese married into his family."

He was also critical of the influence of American Jewish lobbies:


Good for him. He showed you can work hard without being an immoral Jew.

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