Why are there illegal tunnels under Brooklyn?

I wish we had more than 4 options, but anyway:


In order to watch women taking baths

according to some articles it lead to a room for women doing ritual bathing called Mikvah

Some women might be under 18 who do the bathing?



That would explain the baby strollers and stained mattresses. Oh, and the concrete trucks and construction crews that suddenly appeared once the news broke.


Here's one thing that should be happening right this very minute: checking all Orthodox Synagogues for underground tunnels.

Sure, New York is the world Chabad-Hasidic headquarters, but I highly doubt it's unique.


If it is the women's section & women are doing baby sitting then it might be baby sitting stuff not child abuse stuff

They could do the child abuse somewhere else

People who left Orthodox Judaism have a higher rate of being victims of sexual abuse than the general population

Some members of their community teach snitching on abusers is wrong

Jew Sanhedrin 54b teaches that someone is not liable if they have intercourse with a boy less than nine years old


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