
Agenda 2030

It's always worth posting this 2016 WEF classic every now and then.

It reminds us all what they're doing and allows us to measure how well their plans are going

@UncleIroh Iroh. Honest to god you're the best poster here. remember that. (I'm a tad drunk.) But seriously though. You have the most balanced christian/MGTOW sort of approaches here. Just a based king.


Point number 8 in that video:

"Western values will have been tested to breaking point"

That reads different today than anyone could have ever predicted back in 2016.

All the deliberate corruption of our women & our values, targeting of our kids, political corruption & blatant theft of public money, 2-tier justice, false flags, etc..

All of it planned. All of it deliberate provocation. They can fuck all the way off.

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